Annual Congregational Meeting and Dessert Fellowship

Sunday, May 19, 6:00 p.m., Sanctuary

Mark your calendars to attend this important meeting. The congregation will elect. Elders, Deacons, Chairman and Vice-Chairman of the Congregation, and Global Missions Team members. These members will begin serving their positions in July. Additionally, we will be voting on the 2024–2025 church budget. Reference documents are included below. A Dessert Fellowship will follow the meeting in the Fellowship Hall.

Childcare is available for nursery–5th grade.

Reminder, you must be a member to vote and a provision for proxy voting is available for those who cannot attend due to illness, being out of town, or scheduled work conflict.

Slated Council
and Global Missions Team

Slated Council 2024–25
Global Missions Team 2024–25