February in FEC Kids


Please click HERE to see the FEC Kids February Prayer Guide

Please see Prayer — First Evangelical Church on our church web page to see more ways to be prayerfully involved at First Evan!


February is all about LOVE and Valentines Day, but at First Evan, it’s also Global Missions Conference month! We hope you have registered your kids for KMC (Kids Mission Conference) because it is one of the most FUN things we do with the kids all year. In addition to having fun, we will learn a LOT and get to meet missionaries who will be visiting us this year from their homes on the mission field in Africa.

FEC Kids’ February Events:

Sunday Mornings:

9:15-9:30- Elementary Kids Play Time, C-110/112

9:30-10:30- Sunday School, all ages, various classrooms

(See Discipleship section below for lessons!)

During the Week:

Tuesdays @ 9:30 am: Women’s Bible Study; Register for PreK Childcare

Wednesdays @ 5:00-6:00 pm: Dinner in the Fellowship Hall

Wednesdays @ 6:15-8:00 pm: Midweek Programming


Friday Evening 2/21: Dinner @ 5pm; Check in to KMC @ 6:15-6:30

(Adults: GMC in the Sanctuary @ 6:30-8:00pm)

Saturday Morning 2/22: Check in to KMC @ 8:45-9:00

(Adults: GMC in the Sanctuary @ 9:00-11:30am)

Saturday Evening 2/22: Check in to KMC Dinner & Program @ 4:45-5:00

(Adult Dinner: “Embracing Missions as a Young Professional or Parent” @ 5:00-7:00pm)

Sunday Morning 2/23: Regular Sunday Schedule @ 9:30-12:00

Churchwide Missions Lunch @ 12:00

Sunday Evening 2/23: KMC kids celebrate in the service with their families


Our faithful and loving God always keeps his promises.

February Key Passage:

“For the Lord is good; his steadfast love endures forever, and his faithfulness to all generations” Psalm 100:5

Big Picture Question:

Does God keep his promises? Yes, God always keeps his promises

Praising in Song:

It is Well With My Soul (Horatio Gates Spafford, 1873)

Magnificent, Marvelous, Matchless Love (Matt Papa, Aaron Keys, Luke Brown, Keith & Kristyn Getty 2018)

Sunday School Lessons

Sunday, February 2: The Tower of Babel (Genesis 11)

Sunday, February 9: Abram Followed God (Genesis 11-13)

Sunday, February 16: God’s Covenant with Abraham (Genesis 12; 15; 17)

Sunday, February 23: KMC: Christ our Rock (Psalm 95:1, Matthew 16:15, Ephesians 2:20)

*Tuesday morning PreK Childcare will be a PreK Bible Study to reinforce their Sunday morning lesson, taught by Emilee Ferwerda.

Wednesday Midweek Lessons

Click HERE for full MIDWEEK Semester Schedule

Wednesday, February 5: I AM the Bread of Life

K-2nd Grade, 1 Corinthians 1:31

3rd-5th Grade, John 6:35

Wednesday, February 12: I AM the Light of the World

K-2nd Grade, 1 Corinthians 1:31

3rd-5th Grade, John 8:12

Wednesday, February 19: I AM the Door

K-2nd Grade, Galatians 3:29

3rd-5th Grade, John 10:7

Wednesday, February 26: I AM the Good Shepherd

K-2nd Grade, Galatians 3:29

3rd-5th Grade, John 10:14


“Jesus Loves Me This I Know…” In his sermon last Sunday, Pastor Pace McKee reminded the congregation why we sing this song over and over with our children when he told the story of a man who remembered these precious words at his lowest point. The love of Christ is foundational to our deliverance. It is the echo that reminds us to whom we belong when we are distracted by other loves. It is the song that tenderly calls us out of our darkest pit.

As I prepare for KMC & study over our passage for this year (Matthew 16:13-20), I am reminded of the image of the rock. The passage has been debated throughout history by many, but the rock of our salvation is undebatable. We say with Peter, “You are the Christ, the Son of the Living God” and sing with our children, “Jesus loves me this I know, for the Bible tells me so.” Yes- Jesus loves me. Therein lies rescue. Rest on the rock of our salvation & be blessed this month!


March in FEC Kids


KMC Registrations!