10:45 a.m. Services
“let the word of Christ dwell in you richly, teaching and admonishing one another in all wisdom, singing psalms and hymns and spiritual songs, with thankfulness in your hearts to God.” Colossians 3:16
Why We Meet Together
We meet together to worship the God who has redeemed us and to edify one another. We’ve been created by God to worship Him with our whole lives, and it brings Him particular glory when His people honor Him corporately. God works by His Word and Spirit through His people when we are together. We build one another up in our faith by exercising the gifts that He’s given us. Corporate worship is first and foremost a meeting between God and His people, but it’s also an opportunity for those who do not yet know Christ to come and say, “God is truly among you.”
When We Gather
As an independent, evangelical church, we have no formal service order that we have to follow. But within this freedom, we seek to make all the elements reflect God’s priorities. We aim to read the Bible, preach the Bible, pray from the Bible, sing songs that reflect the Bible’s truths, and celebrate the Lord’s Supper and baptism that dramatize the Bible.
What We Sing
Because we’re committed to being a multi-generational church, we sing songs from the past, present, and future. We sing great hymns of the faith from the past that help us pray, think, and celebrate with words that will last for a lifetime. We sing modern songs from the present that reflect what God is doing in the church today. Pointing to the future, we occasionally sing songs in other styles and languages, reminding ourselves of our future when we will worship God together with people from every tribe and tongue and nation.
Our worship ministry includes:
Worship Band & Vocalists – Incorporating a rhythm section, tight harmonies & solos, and skillful playing of violin and other instruments, this group leads us in contemporary songs each week. We rehearse on Sundays at 7:45 a.m.
Worship Choir – This multi-generational group of worshipers leads us in congregational song and sings an anthem most weeks. We rehearse on Wednesdays at 6:15 p.m. and Sundays at 8:45 a.m. We also prepare special programs each Christmas and Easter season.
Children’s Choir – Children who participate in Children’s Church occasionally sing special songs in our Sunday service.
Student Band & Ensemble – Comprised of students in our Impact (6-8th grade) and Common Ground (9-12th grade) ministries, this group leads singing for Student Ministries events and rehearses on Wednesdays at 5:15 p.m.
Production Team – This team produces our sound, video, and lighting for our Sunday services, online ministry, and other events in the church. We want to clear the way for the gospel message, making it heard loud and clear.
We love to meet new team members!
To join one of these groups, contact one of our team members below.
Other Resources
Our Pastor of Worship, Ken Boer, sends a “Preparing for Worship” email each Saturday with a service preview and links to songs.
Our Missionary in Residence and former Pastor of Worship, Ron Man, leads Worship Resources International, which equips Christians and church leaders in Biblical worship.
You can subscribe to our “Preparing for Worship” Email:
Worship Ministry, 682-8452, ext. 1410
Ken Boer, Pastor of Worship, 682-8452
Luke Hall, Technical Director, 682-8452
Katelynn Bernardini, Worship Assistant, 682-8452, ext. 1410
Paige Poloni, Worship Assistant, 682-8452, ext. 1410