Through disciple-making, fellowship, and outreach,
we will develop men into strong leaders
who reflect Christ’s love and make a positive impact
in their families, church, workplace, and beyond.
Our purpose is to encourage our men, walking in the power of the Holy Spirit, to disciple other men by growing their faith, cultivating authentic relationships, and serving our communities with purpose and integrity. We will come alongside and help men to break out of the epidemics of isolation and loneliness. We will create a supportive environment where men can build strong Christian community with each other, where men are equipped to share the gospel with their families and friends.
Upcoming Events
2025 Men’s Retreat | Mammoth Springs, AR
Register online or in the Fellowship Hall
through April 20

If You Missed It…
Men's Ministry, Phil Sistrunk, 901.682.8452
Men’s Prayer Breakfast, Hickman Ewing, 901.826.5364
Men’s Bible Studies, Buddy Jones, 901.351.3712
Men's Retreat Ministry, Tim Frazier, 901.734.2678 and John Christiansen, 901.652.3355
Men's Fish Fry Ministry, John Dawson, 901.485.0859, Sammy Bell, 901.210.7958, and John Christiansen, 901.652.3355