The Process of Church Membership
“to equip the saints for the work of ministry, for building up the body of Christ, until we all attain to the unity of the faith and of the knowledge of the Son of God, to mature manhood, to the measure of the stature of the fullness of Christ,” Ephesians 4:12–13
“Any person shall be eligible for membership who has given clear witness of his acceptance of the Lord Jesus Christ as his Savior and his desire to live a consistent Christian life; who has either received or is willing to receive the ordinances of water baptism and the Lord's Supper; who accepts First Evan’s Articles of Belief; and who pledges his willingness to abide by this Constitution, to submit to the governing authority of First Evan consistent with the Word of God, and to pursue peace within the First Evan body, unity in the faith, and the maturity and building up of First Evan and the body of Christ toward Christ-likeness in character and works of service (Eph. 4:3,12,13).”
Eligible persons may be received into membership upon confession of faith, reaffirmation of faith, or a statement of faith, conditioned upon successful completion of such orientation as the Session may prescribe and an examination satisfactory to the Session."
Steps to Membership
1. Attend Discover First Evan — a class or informal get-together offered to those interested in learning more about First Evan or desiring membership. Attending the class in no way obligates you to join, but it is the first step toward membership. Questions can be directed to Jacki Stieferman. The next DFE Classes is Sunday, January 12, 4:00-6:00 p.m., E236. Register here.
2. Prayerfully consider if you can embrace the Constitutional principles and requirements listed above.
3. If you determine God is calling you to join First Evangelical Church, schedule and complete an Elder interview.
Additional Considerations for Youth and Children
1. Independent membership at First Evangelical Church is limited to those in the 10th grade and up.
• We feel that at this age students begin to “own” their roles within the church. They are more likely at this age to decide to join the church based on personal conviction rather than “everyone else is joining.”
• Students are non-voting members until age 18, according to the First Evangelical Church Constitution.
2. A special membership class will be offered annually for students in grades 10–12 by a First Evangelical Church Pastor.
3. Senior High (grades 10–12) students have the option of going through the regular Discover First Evan Class whenever it is offered.
4. Senior High students must be interviewed by an Elder and a Pastor together prior to membership.
5. Students younger than the 10th grade may join the church at any time by attending the regular Discover First Evan Class with a parent.
Membership Confession
Having been led by the Spirit of God through the word of God to receive the Lord Jesus Christ as Savior, we do now confess as one body in Christ and as members of First Evangelical Church,
We will strive to live as disciples of Jesus in this present age.
We will consistently celebrate together through joyful worship
We will generously contribute our time, resources, gifts, and abilities to proclaim the gospel of Jesus Christ boldly in both word and deed, and
We will pursue peace and unity in the Church, encouraging and exhorting one another with the truth of God’s word to the glory of God and for the edification of His people.