“The righteous will flourish like a palm tree, they will grow like a cedar of Lebanon; planted in the house of the LORD, they will flourish in the courts of our God. They will still bear fruit in old age, they will stay fresh and green . . .”
Psalm 92:12–14 NIV
Prime Time’s mission is to provide spiritual enrichment, fellowship, service and learning opportunities to ensure FEC senior adults are engaged, included, and cared for.
The FEC Senior Adult ministry has been active in ministry to First Evan home bound members through visits, phone calls, and written communication. We are thankful for the team of volunteers who strive to assure that our homebound are loved and nurtured. A Senior Adult Council has been formed to include leaders of various ongoing ministry areas.
A Steering Committee of representatives from ten Sunday School classes provides guidance for future senior adult events, programs, and activities.
Prime Time Steering Committee Members Include:
Abundant Life - Brian Ward
Cornerstone - Allan Bowden, Sr.
Cross Generations - Bryan Miller
Bountiful Blessings - Larry Fitzgerald & Mickey Bowdon
Foundations - Bob Fratesi
Joint Heirs -Jim Newman
Life Builders - Preston Klinke
Pilgrim’s Progress - David McGill
Sojourners -Jimmy Garrison
Upcoming Events
Helping Hands
Helping Hands, A Ministry to Prime Time members of First Evan
Need a helping hand? Men and women are available to help with as-needed minor home repairs, transportation, technology, yard work, etc. When in need, please contact Paige Poloni at 901.682.8452 at the First Evan office.
Senior Home Bible Study
This ministry involves many of our elders and other leaders in the church conducting a Bible study in a retirement home, assisted living, or nursing home. This is truly an outreach ministry as the gospel is being proclaimed in these homes throughout the Memphis area. All the residents are welcome to attend regardless of their spiritual background and those looking into Christianity are most certainly welcome. Usually each facility will have one 20–30 minute Bible study per week. For more information about this ministry please contact Larry Fitzgerald.
Caregivers Group
This ministry is for men or women caring for loved ones. Caregivers meets regularly for lunch, fellowship, and to hear from various subject-matter experts. For more information please contact Christy Bicknell or Sue Sharpe.
ACT II Widows Fellowship
Monthly on the first Monday, 10:00 a.m.
ACT II is a group for widows that meets the first Monday of each month in the Chapel for prayer and fellowship (unless there is an outing or special program).
For more information about this ministry please contact Cathy Graham.
Abounding in Christ Together in the Second Season—“God is able to make all grace abound to you, so that having all sufficiency in all things, at all times, you may abound in every good work.” 2 Corinthians 9:8
Mickey Bowdon, Staff Elder for Senior Adults, 682-8452, ext. 1311
Paige Poloni, Administrative Assistant, 682-8452, ext. 1330
Mickey Bowdon, Chairman
Greg Thompson, Senior Care Coordinator
Cathy Graham, Ministry to Widows (ACT II)
John Main, Ministry to Widowers
Christy Bicknell, Ministry to Women of the Church, 682-8452 ext. 1405
Cynthia Johnson, Ministry to Homebound
Jeanne Jones, Ministry to Homebound
Larry Fitzgerald, Ministry to Resident and Retirement Homes
If you need phone numbers for the names above, please call Paige Poloni at 682-8452, ext. 1330.
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