We are so excited for this upcoming year of ministry with your students. We have lots of exciting changes and events planned! This year we will continue to place our focus on building Biblical community, teaching scripture and preaching the gospel. This truly is an exciting time for our student ministries as we continue to strengthen our community and follow God’s call for the lives in this next generation. 

Middle School
(6th–8th grade)

Meet in the Impact Room (E226) located on the second floor of the E-Building


High School
(9th–12th grade)

Meet in the Common Ground Room (E202) located on the second floor of the E-Building

Wednesdays, January 10–May 1 (No meeting on March 13), 6:15–8:00 p.m.
Impact (6th–8th grade), E226
Common Ground (9th–12th grade), E202


Providing a place for students to learn how to apply Biblical truths to their lives through engaging worship and service.

This year we will be shifting gears during our midweek meeting and giving our students opportunities to engage with local Memphis Ministry Partners through informational sessions, corporate worship, prayer, exposure, and active service.

To equip students to spend time in the word of God effectively.
This school year we will be working through the Gospel Project curriculum in unison with FEC Kids Ministry and a few adult Sunday school classes. This will give families the ability to have conversations with the grade-school children and middle/high school students who have all engaged the same scripture and teachings for their age level each day.

Sundays, 9:30–10:30 a.m.
Impact (6th–8th grade), E226
Common Ground (9th–12th grade), E202

Sunday School

Upcoming Events

The best way to keep in touch with us is to be on our emailing list. Email us to be added.

Student Ministries, 682-8452, ext. 1200
Jake Ferwerda, Pastor of Student Ministries, 682-8452, ext. 1210
Austin Smith, Middle School Director, 682-8452, ext. 1201
Anna Phillips, Impact Girls Coordinator and Student Ministries Administrative Assistant, 682-8452, ext. 1200
Meg Burgess, Common Ground Girls Coordinator, 682-8452, ext. 1200

Instagram: @fecimpact | @fecommonground