Lety Gaytan
Tlapaneco Indian Ministries | Mexico City, Mexico
Ruben, Lety’s husband, went to be with the Lord on March 23, 2024, leaving a rich legacy of Christ-filled leadership. Lety continues serving with Tlapaneco Indian Ministries, along with their many workers. First Evan’s first missionary, Mr. H.V. Lemley, mentored Ruben. His grandmother worked as the cook in Mr. Lemley’s home in Cuernavaca and they were very dear to him. When he was 14, he went to live with them. Ruben went to college and became an Architect. After Mrs. Lemley passed away, he assisted H.V. with the ministry. In 1993, Mr. Lemley passed away and Ruben assumed leadership of the Tlapaneco Mission. He married Lety in 1997 and they have two adult children, Eliseo and Sara.
TIM’s current ministry goals are to reach villages that have not heard the gospel and they have different strategies: create a website to upload sermons, Tlapaneco lectures, and Tlapaneco songs and reach more young people who can access the internet and have the medical caravan in Colombia in May. They also hope to continue translating the Bible and Mephaa songs with the translating team, and visit new villages with the Jesus film and the Christian singing group, Los Hijos del Mesias, from El Llano, Acatepec church.
Ruben became an FEC missionary in 1992.