Pradip became a member of FEC in 1979, Judith in 1986. They became FEC missionaries in 1980 (Pradip), 1985 (Judith) and again together in 2017.

Pradip and Judith

South Asia

Pradip moved from India to the USA in 1973. He first came to FEC from California in the late 70s and went back to India with OM in 1980. Judith joined OM in 1981. They met through OM, married in 1985, and stayed with OM India until 2000. They came back to the US with their two sons in July 2000 and Pradip joined the FEC staff that October. After much prayer, they decided to go back to the harvest field (Matt. 28:19&20) in 2017 to serve in the East Asia region with OM. They are ‘mentors/trainers,’ focusing on cross-cultural work in the area they serve. The goal is to train, equip and strategically guide believers in their local communities to see the Gospel proclaimed and bear fruit is seeing Vibrant communities of Jesus Followers establish among the least reached. Pradip and Judith have two adult sons, Jason and Joshua.

After spending over six years in SE Asia they returned to Memphis (April 2024) to provide care for Jason who is recovering from a stroke. Their ministry in SE Asia will continue - virtually and travels to SE Asia a few times a year.

Their current goals (2024) are to complete the book of Acts study for East Asia members, complete the Intermediate training manual, and travel to Laos, Myanmar, and Cambodia to teach and motivate the nationals.