Covenant Community

Contact: Sam Wilcox (Sarah Caitlin) and Noah Hall (Felicity); Lead Shepherding Elder: Pat Person; Meets upstairs in the A-Building in Room A221. Our class is home to a community of relative peers in their 20s and 30s made up of singles and married couples who seek to build relationships in faith. We rotate teachers and topics while following a structure of biblical instruction, application-focused discussion, and prayer. We prioritize scripture in our studies and cover topics that are welcoming to all depths of spiritual knowledge. We gather regularly outside of class for fun and fellowship with one another and other classes.

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Contact and Lead Shepherding Elder: Hickman Ewing; Meets on the Second Floor of the E-Building (West Side of Church) in E234. We are a cross-generational class made up of couples and singles who desire to go deeper in God’s Word. Our format is to sit in table groups, encouraging and praying for one another. We seek to apply Biblical truth to our lives and pass it on to others. We also often hear missionary reports and testimonies of what God is doing in and through us in the city of Memphis and the world.

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Contact and Lead Shepherding Elder: Tim Holler; Meets on the Second Floor of the A-Building (West side of Church) in Room A222. Focus is a class of young adults who want to “fix our eyes on Jesus, the Author and Perfecter of our faith” (Hebrews 12:2). We come together to share what God is doing in our lives and in the world, to learn from the study of His Word and to pray for each other. We seek to provide strength, encouragement, and comfort (1 Corinthians 14:3). We also enjoy fellowship times outside of class.

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Contact: Christopher and Damaris Marino; Meets on the First Floor of the A-Building (West side of the Church) in Room A106. We are a class of young families building relationships through a combination of solid Bible teaching, group discussion, and prayer, to help class members understand both what the Bible says AND how to apply it in everyday life. The structure of the class is intended to make Genesis a very accessible class for newcomers and long-time First Evaners. Whether you are new to the whole idea of church involvement or a seasoned church veteran, you will find Genesis a warm and inviting place to get involved.

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Contact and Lead Shepherding Elder: Joel Scoggins; Meets on the Second Floor of the A-Building (West side of Church) in Room A210. A community of peers (primarily 40’s and 50’s) who are intentional in building authentic friendships as we JOURNEY through life and scripture together. We engage the Bible weekly through group discussion led by different class members. Bible study is complimented by occasional worship in song and regular prayer for one another. We strive to care for each other through the challenges of marriage, raising children, and simply walking closer with Christ. We have regular gatherings outside of class to help us build stronger relationships with one another.

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Under Construction

Contact: Daniel Newman; Lead Shepherding Elder: Lynn Ballinger; 9:30–10:30 a.m.; Meets on the 1st floor of the Recreation Building in Room E135 (Spurgeon Room). For those from nearly or newly married to those with children in elementary school. The class combines solid Bible teaching with group discussion and prayer to help class members understand both what the Bible says AND how to apply it in everyday life. Small group fellowships and mentoring relationships are a major part of the class objective. The structure of the class is intended to make Under Construction a very accessible class for newcomers and long-time First Evaners.

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