Bountiful Blessings
9:30–10:30 a.m.; Meets on the 1st floor of the A-Building (West Side of Church) in A121/122; Zoom available. Contacts: Stuart Taylor | Lead Shepherding Elders: Larry Fitzgerald, Mickey Bowdon.
We seek those of all ages or marital status who rejoice in the bountiful blessings of fellowship and Biblical instruction from a variety of teachers for the purpose of growing in our intimacy with Christ. As a result of the bountiful blessings of knowing Christ and being known by Him we strive to serve our church, our communities, and each other.
Contact and Lead Shepherding Elder: Hickman Ewing; Meets on the Second Floor of the E-Building (West Side of Church) in E234. We are a cross-generational class made up of couples and singles who desire to go deeper in God’s Word. Our format is to sit in table groups, encouraging and praying for one another. We seek to apply Biblical truth to our lives and pass it on to others. We also often hear missionary reports and testimonies of what God is doing in and through us in the city of Memphis and the world.
Contact and Lead Shepherding Elder: Bob Fratesi; Meets on the First Floor of the E-Building (West side of Church) in Room E143; Zoom available. Challenging families and individuals alike to drink deeply of God’s word in order to experience greater intimacy with Him. Rad Andrews (father of 8 and long-time surgeon) is our primary teacher. We strive to offer numerous opportunities for strengthening Christian faith and friendships through activities such as small group dinners, retreats, and casual gatherings.
Joint Heirs
Contact: Jim Newman or Grady Sanborn | Lead Shepherding Elder: Jim Newman; Meets on the First Floor of the E-Building Near the Gym (West side of Church) in Room E125/126.; Zoom available. We are a class of single and marrieds of all age ranges. We desire to know and be known by one another as we grow in the Lord. We sit at assigned tables each Sunday, alternating table group members yearly. Our table groups minister to one another provide fellowship, prayer, and accountability, and also support to our missionaries. Our teachers and subjects change, but the pattern is the same: a teaching time followed by table group discussion to help us apply what we’ve learned. Our visitors’ table provides a welcome place to see what we’re all about.
Salt and Light
Contact and Lead Shepherding Elder: Ken Eriksen; Meets on the First Floor of the A-Building (West side of Church) in Room A111. We are real, relevant, and revering. Real people with a diversity of ages, nationalities, and missions making an impact. Relevant teaching and living carried out through small groups, fellowships, and various ministries within and outside our church. We strive to revere Jesus Christ through the study of God’s Word.