Understanding Giving
Giving is part of our worship as followers of Jesus Christ. All believers are encouraged to give in a manner proportionate to God’s blessing in their life. Constitutionally, members of First Evan agree that they will
“support wholeheartedly the spiritual activities of First Evan by their regular attendance; and to contribute to its material upkeep and evangelistic outreach by presenting their offerings as the Lord has prospered them and according to the biblical principles of stewardship. ”
Unlike many churches, First Evan affords its members quite a bit of latitude in the designation of their giving within approved funds. Please note the diagram of our offering envelope and the notes below to better understand giving at First Evan—whether using a traditional giving envelope or giving online.
A. Ministry Fund
The ministry fund supports the day to day operations and programs of the church. Things like salaries, utilities, program expenses, routine maintenance and facility upkeep, etc. are all funded through the Ministry Fund. All monies designated to the Ministry Fund or undesignated gifts go into this fund. As needed, the Finance Committee may recommend and the Board of Deacons authorize the transfer of funds from the Ministry Fund to any other fund.
B. Missions Fund
The Missions Fund, also called the General Missions Fund, funds such projects as Bible translation, national pastors, training national missionaries, short-term trips, and other specially requested projects by our missionaries. Costs for general mission administration, promotion, missions conference and the like are also funded through this designation.
C. Missionaries’ Support
First Evan normally has between 40–50 missionaries and missions agencies we support. Donors are allowed to designate their missions dollars directly to a specific missionary or mission agency in accordance with God’s leading. We encourage our members to cultivate personal relationships. Simply write the name of an approved missionary or mission agency and the amount of your contribution you would like designated to them in the blank provided. The same option is available online. Designations can only be made to approved missionaries or agencies.
D. Building and Equipment Fund
This fund is used to pay for significant building and equipment repairs, replacement, expansion, remodeling, or new construction. The building fund is open to receive designated gifts at all times since with over 150,000 square feet of building major expenses are common. A special emphasis on the Building Fund may occur when a new building or major renovation is planned.
E. Benevolence Fund
First Evan maintains a Benevolence Fund that is used to assist those from our church that are experiencing a time of financial need and hardship. A season of unemployment, a special medical emergency, a family crisis and the like can befall any of us. Your gifts to the Benevolence Fund make it possible for our Benevolence Committee to stand in this gap.